# Installation The backend of **seeq-sysid** requires **Python 3.7** or later. ## Dependencies See [`requirements.txt`](https://github.com/BYU-PRISM/Seeq/blob/main/requirements.txt) file for a list of dependencies and versions. Additionally, you will need to install the `seeq` module with the appropriate version that matches your Seeq server. For more information on the `seeq` module see [seeq at pypi](https://pypi.org/project/seeq/). ## User Installation Requirements (Seeq Data Lab) If you want to install **seeq-sysid** as a Seeq Add-on Tool, you will need: - Seeq Data Lab (>= R52.1.5, >=R53.0.2, or >=R54) - `seeq` module whose version matches the Seeq server version - Seeq administrator access - Enable Add-on Tools (or External Tools) in the Seeq server *Note:* For older versions of Seeq Data Lab you can find installation guide [`here`](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55245976/137494969-43d93065-1e23-4e7c-952f-2397993eb269.mp4). ## User Installation (Seeq Data Lab)

1. Create a **new** Seeq Data Lab project and open the **Terminal** window 2. Run `pip install seeq-sysid` 3. Run `python -m seeq_sysid [--users --groups ]` For more information about adding this addon to the seeq workbench [click here](https://seeq.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/961675391/Add-on+Tool+Administration+and+Development). ## Developer Installation For development work, after checking out the code from the repository, it is highly recommended you create a python virtual environment, `pip install -r requirement.txt`, and install the package in that working environment. If you are not familiar with python virtual environments, it is recommended you take a look [here](https://docs.python.org/3.8/tutorial/venv.html). Once your virtual environment is activated, you can install **seeq-sysid** from the source with: ```shell python setup.py install --user ``` Or build a `.whl` file using the following command ```shell python setup.py bdist_wheel ``` and then `pip install [FILE NAME].whl` (the `wheel` file name can change depending on the version). There is a template for the developer notebook in `/deployment_notebook`. Next, modify the parameters within the workbook for your local environment (username, password, workbook, worksheet, etc.). Finally, start a jupyter server and navigate to the development notebook in the root directory. ```sh $ jupyter notebook ```